2022 Spring Giveaway
GHF's 1904 G, H & H Depot at 3304 Market
(formerly known as the Gately Paper Co.).
300 shade trees for Galveston Island residents' private property.
Bring a TDL or water bill to pick up at least two trees.
Visit our Facebook page for more event information.
9 am till Noon or when they’re all gone - don’t dally - we’ve been done within two hours in the past!
Your Spring 2022 Tree List will include:
American Beautyberry, Cedar or American Elm, Persimmon, Pecan, American Sycamore, Pond Baldcypress, Burr Oak, Live Oak, Overcup Oak, Loblolly Pine, Red Mulberry, Sugarberry, Sweetgum, Red Maple and Wax Myrtle

Wanna help make some Galvestonians happy? We need volunteers - sign up below and THANK YOU!